A Children's Photo Storybook by A. D. Asher
My Friend the Sunsphere



January 8, 2020

Hello, Opportunity
While I was scrolling through Instagram, I came across a posting that ended with a bright idea: “To discuss ways to partner with Visit Knoxville on items to benefit the Sunsphere Fund, contact us.”
Naturally, my first thought was, “Um. Hello.” So I emailed them, saying, “Um. Hello.” (I’m paraphrasing a bit.)
After brief negotiations, Visit Knoxville is now featuring my book on their site, -Here-, and $5 from the sale of each book will go to preserving and enhancing (one of) our city’s favorite icon(s)!
I’ll be supporting the Fund regardless of where the book is purchased, whether on the Fund’s site, this site, on amazon, or from a shelf in a shop or museum.
I’m happy to be involved in this great cause, and grateful to all of you who enjoy My Friend the Sunsphere.
I also want to encourage you to take risks, trust your instincts and go for opportunities that feel like they’re made for you, especially when it’s as obvious as, “Um. Hello.”

May 25, 2019

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

So many blessings thanks to being part of the Authors Guild. As Events Coordinator, I have been fortunate to get the group into many smaller events that we who participate profit from, and learn from. It was the frequent, smaller gatherings that got our collective confidence in shape so that when it came time to apply for the Dogwood Arts Festival, over a dozen of us committed to it.
That whopper would have been cost-prohibitive had we each applied individually, but thanks to the reality of power in numbers, we went, we conquered, we thrived. And to top it all off, we got invited back!
Go big or go somewhere else, right?
Please make plans to come and see us at the Dogwood Arts Festival!

January 27, 2019

Friendships And Opportunities

Getting involved in the Authors Guild of Tennessee has given me new friendships, opportunities and options.
We members are comfortable emailing or calling each other about anything that concerns or entertains us. We share requests for encouragement, such as when we’re promoting our books, and for prayer, such as when health issues arise.
At the first meeting I attended, I elected to be on the Library Committee. I thought I’d just sit there quietly until I figured out the lay of the land. I also figured, if I can singlehandedly alphabetize my spice rack, I can maintain control of a pile of books. But I underestimated the time, focus and energy required to keep the Library Committee running, and am grateful to other members for stepping up.
Luckily, another member said they needed someone to find events where we could show and sell our works, and organize participation at these events. I do that for my book all the time anyway! Being Events Coordinator is definitely in my comfort zone while stretching my boundaries to include all members. I’m helping others as I keep doing what I was doing all along.
It’s blessedly satisfying and has opened up myriad options, a dizzying variety of events and locations. Coming soon to a festival near you!

December 12, 2017

As Seen On TV

Funny how life responds when you ask, “What’s next?”
After my book was featured in the Knoxville News Sentinel, I pondered that question and had a flash of insight: Get my happy self on TV!
So I emailed the local stations and received the first response from Christopher Milano, producer at WVLT. He expressed genuine interest in the book, the story behind it, the details I focused on, and its success.
Before filming, Mr. Milano instructed me to look at him, a few feet to the side of the camera, and not AT the camera. Knowing the camera was rolling, a silly instinct took over and I look like a hunted woman with my eyes darting back and forth, Milano-camera-Milano-camera.
I’m actually a rather introverted person, as evidenced by my whopping 35-friends-and-climbing Facebook profile. To psych myself up for confidence while being filmed, I thought of my recently-passed-on grandmother. GrandMama was fascinated with the book’s every detail, so I imagined I was talking to her, updating her on its progress.
Swinging one generation the other way, I also wore rings that remind me of my children, to uplift my mind and know they’d be cheering for me. Yep, that’s why I’m flinging my hands around on TV. Rings-camera-rings-camera.
While Mr. Milano was perfecting the segment (i.e. removing my hunted look), Emily Stroud, reporter at WBIR, called and said, “Let’s meet tomorrow at the Sunsphere. It will be on TV within the week.”
I agreed, being of the mind that book promotion goes hand in hand with shameless self-promotion. The 3-weeks-before-Christmas timing also gave me the impression that God is winking at this situation.
When filming was concluded I asked Ms. Stroud, “Did I look smart?” to which she gave the apt advice, “Let it go.” I complied, realizing that neither she nor photojournalist Brian Holt had yelled “Cut!” while I yammered.
Although I regret that Mr. Milano’s segment was not first on TV, I am blessed out of my mind that this book has been publicly represented in myriad awesome ways.
Guess I better get my happy self to Paris now. My Friend the Eiffel Tower knows…what’s next!
WBIR Interview WVLT Interview

November 8, 2017

Great things keep happening in such a short time. The Sunsphere should be spinning around like a twirling dervish by now!
“My Friend” has been blessedly well-received, appearing in book signing engagements, taking short rest stops in stores and on museum bookshelves, getting to travel to faraway places thanks to online purchasers, along with being introduced to a wider audience thanks to Steve Ahillen’s professional treatment in the Knoxville News Sentinel, and being 👍'd on Facebook.
I am so grateful. Thank you, to everyone who smiles upon “My Friend,” you are wonderfully appreciated!

August 27, 2017

So much has happened this month, all of it awesome!
I’ve been blessed to spread the word about the book and have been pleasantly surprised to make unexpected sales: a server at a sandwich shop whose curiosity played into my bookselling efforts, my bubbly teller at the bank, the charming gal who runs the parcel-shipping store, a friendly associate at a pharmacy, and gals with whom I attend a spiritual group.
It quickly became obvious that selling a book is not a get-rich-quick scheme, but I am grateful to each one of you for contributing to my Get-Out-of-Mortgage-Sooner-Rather-Than-Later ideology!
(Wow, I did a web search on that to check spelling and it means: imaginary or visionary theorization.)
Creating this book has greatly increased my confidence, just the simple fact that I had an idea and did what it took to bring it into physical reality. When friends-- especially young moms -- tell me, “I wish I could write a children’s book,” my immediate response is always, “DO IT!”
Who cares how long it takes? Baby steps or giant leaps, it’s not the pace that matters. Everything that has ever been created has started with… a thought. Add focus and effort and there’s nothing holding you back! Do it.

August 8, 2017

Additional Local Locations have been added, check them out!

August 4, 2017

A warm Thank You to all who attended the book’s first public event, August’s First Friday ArtWalk at the Visitors Center! Each one of you contributed to the fun atmosphere and smiling ambiance. Most of all, you boosted my confidence just by being there with your genuine interest and positive vibes. I am grateful to count each of you among my blessings.

July 29,2017

The books are in and the website has gone live! (kind of obvious since you're reading this here...)
We picked up the pallet of books in Charleston last week and they are now ready online as well as at the Visitors Center downtown.
More locations to come soon!
The day after we placed them in the Visitors Center, a crazy stroke of luck came our way:
the Visitors Center offered to feature 'My Friend the Sunsphere' at 'Knoxville’s First Friday ArtWalk' this coming Friday, Aug 4th.
We would love for you to pop in, at 301 S. Gay St between 5 and 8 pm, for the book’s first public event.

